Fortifying Forever Families.
The Adoption Foster Care Therapist Network is a network that provides training and events related to parenting or treating children in foster care and adoptees. [ Launch site ]
Children in the modern world
Helping families thrive.
When we were first contacted by AFCTN we knew their project was something we could not let pass. We believe in their cause and helping their presence get a new milestone.
Working with an NPO
As a result of being non profit organization they have great ambitions, but a small budget. We were challenged to produce a qualitative online presence showcasing events, articles and their member’s profiles.
Our approach
We immediately started working and finished a fully responsive, fast loading site in just two days! On time and on budget.
With a tight deadline comes the need for fast approvals. Therefore we de-camped to the client’s offices to ensure speed of approvals on design and copy. We focused on building a light site with only the essential information and tested for performance as we built.
Happy children
Since the objective of Adoption Foster Care Therapist Network is to provide happiness and well being to children we decided to make that the focal point of our visuals. We chose children from different ethnicities and family backgrounds to resonate more with today’s reality. “We get it” were the words the team mentioned.
A meaningful network
Double A Score
AFCTN hit a double ‘A’ benchmark score on, site speed increased by 125% and all client objectives were achieved.